Disco with Yorck

By on at 11:30 PM
Tonight, Ronja had us over to her apartment in Kiel to get drunk and then go to Disco.
To be honest, we didn't get up to much dancing: just hung around in a bar in the nightlife district and shot the shit with cousin Yorck and his girlfriend. It was great! Matthias' taxi company took us home at 4 am.

THW Handball Game

By on at 8:00 PM
German handball is popular in Kiel because Kiel has demonstrably the best team in Germany, and arguably the best in the world. The game is a mix between soccer and basketball, I would say, with some of the best parts of each. Matthias, Anne, and the American kids went to a game downtown Saturday evening and it was packed!
Kiel won handily. Aber Natürlich. THW (Tay-Ha-Vay)!