End of Part I

By on at 11:59 PM

Go to Part II...

Lieder für Oma

By on at 11:00 PM
Everyone participated in the entertainment portion of Oma's birthday celebration. Aunt Kathrin, Norbert, and Cousin Yorck did a funny rap song. The Americans did a sketch entitled Die Beste Oma in elementary school pageant style. The Bayerischer (Bavarians) -- Walter, Cousin Aikje and Andy -- did some nonsense about "Saupreis" in traditional Lederhosen and Trachtkleid. I didn't understand it, but the voices and costumes were very funny! And everyone joined in singing some rounds led by Max and Martin.

German "Happy Birthday":
Hoch soll sie leben! (Long/high may she live!)
Hoch soll sie leben!
Dreimal hoch! (Raise your glasses three times!)

Birthday Feier

By on at 10:00 PM
 Max und Martin unterhalten.

 unmoeglich, alle ins Bild zu bekommen...

26 Familienmitglieder & Hilde & Ronja


By on at 9:45 PM
Photo by Tyler
Cousin Aikje's boyfriend, Andy, in traditional Bayerisch Lederhosen.
What a wild and crazy guy!

Cousin Yorck

By on at 9:30 PM
My amusing cousin and his girlfriend, Ronja.

Oma's Birthday Dinner

By on at 9:00 PM
For my Grandmother's birthday, we rented out a small restaurant on the beach in Heikendorf, only a walk from the house. Good forethought: drunk walkers don't do much damage.

Uncle Max and Aunt Bärbel. Bwuh? Ah so.
Susannah und Walter, die Bayerischer, im hintergrund.

Yoko Oma presides magnanimously over her well-wishers.
New prescription sunglasses courtesy of our family's assistant optometrist, Nina (far left).

Mutter und Sohn. Wie Süss!

Maia and Kaffee and Kuchen

By on at 2:00 PM

Oma's birthday was lovely weather. Maia and I lingered in the solarium after Kaffee and Kuchen to use the light. All Germans love sunflowers. Fact.

Oma's Birthday Breakfast

By on at 9:30 AM

Like most family breakfasts, except for this one, Oma has a tiara! Gifted by Aikje, Susannah and Maia.
Happy 85th, Gerda!