
By on at 11:00 PM

Disco pre-game. What a couple of badasses. Maia, me, Pacino, Tyler and cousin Aaron before heading out to Kiel's nightlife district. No one shows up to the clubs until about 1 am. It's a long pre-game. We are drinking jack and cokes in Aaron's flat.

Ease, Kiel's best place for house music. They could have just plugged in Tyler's phone!
My brother is up on his house music.

Dinner at Bärbel's

By on at 7:00 PM

Max's wife Bärbel was kind enough to invite us all over to Fresendorf again for dinner. No doubt inspired by discussions with my mom, she cooked all-vegan for 12 people. Gut gemacht Bärbel, now have a drink!

Her son, Aaron (far left), has come in from Kiel to drive us to disco after dinner!

Kaffee und Kuchen with Dad's Old Flame

By on at 3:00 PM
Martin's old girlfriend brought a cake and her husband to tea.
They met on an exchange year when they were both 16.

Lunch... more fish!

By on at 1:00 PM

For lunch one day Matthias and Anne brought home two special fish sauces. The yellow one is shrimp in a mild curry with dill, the purple one is herring in beet juice and vinegar. On a fresh sesame roll from across the street. Just seeing this photo makes my mouth water again. I got really into fish. Tyler is on board too.

Happy Martin

By on at 9:30 AM

Breakfast Brötchen

By on at 9:00 AM

A typical breakfast in Oma's house. Brötchen (sesam) with assorted marmalades, an egg, and tea or coffee.