Go to Part II...
Lieder für Oma
By | Unknown | on | at 11:00 PM |
Everyone participated in the entertainment portion of Oma's birthday celebration. Aunt Kathrin, Norbert, and Cousin Yorck did a funny rap song. The Americans did a sketch entitled Die Beste Oma in elementary school pageant style. The Bayerischer (Bavarians) -- Walter, Cousin Aikje and Andy -- did some nonsense about "Saupreis" in traditional Lederhosen and Trachtkleid. I didn't understand it, but the voices and costumes were very funny! And everyone joined in singing some rounds led by Max and Martin.
German "Happy Birthday":
Hoch soll sie leben! (Long/high may she live!)
Hoch soll sie leben!
Dreimal hoch! (Raise your glasses three times!)
Birthday Feier
By | Unknown | on | at 10:00 PM |
Max und Martin unterhalten.
unmoeglich, alle ins Bild zu bekommen...
26 Familienmitglieder & Hilde & Ronja
Oma's Birthday Dinner
By | Unknown | on | at 9:00 PM |
For my Grandmother's birthday, we rented out a small restaurant on the beach in Heikendorf, only a walk from the house. Good forethought: drunk walkers don't do much damage.
Uncle Max and Aunt Bärbel. Bwuh? Ah so.
Susannah und Walter, die Bayerischer, im hintergrund.
Susannah und Walter, die Bayerischer, im hintergrund.
Yoko Oma presides magnanimously over her well-wishers.
New prescription sunglasses courtesy of our family's assistant optometrist, Nina (far left).
New prescription sunglasses courtesy of our family's assistant optometrist, Nina (far left).
Mutter und Sohn. Wie Süss!
Maia and Kaffee and Kuchen
By | Unknown | on | at 2:00 PM |
Oma's birthday was lovely weather. Maia and I lingered in the solarium after Kaffee and Kuchen to use the light. All Germans love sunflowers. Fact.
Oma's Birthday Breakfast
By | Unknown | on | at 9:30 AM |
Like most family breakfasts, except for this one, Oma has a tiara! Gifted by Aikje, Susannah and Maia.
Happy 85th, Gerda!